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Home > Technical questions about OvuSense Sensor and App > How is OvuSense Sensor and App different from the older version of OvuSense?

How is OvuSense Sensor and App different from the older version of OvuSense?

The OvuSense Sensor and App uses an improved technology to connect your Sensor with your mobile device. This allows you to access your data discretely and more conveniently allowing you to understand your ovulation cycles easily at any time. It also allows your data to be stored in encrypted format in the cloud meaning they are much more secure.

The OvuSense and App has new features where you can add events to your ovulation cycle chart to identify days when you had your period, when you had sex and when you took a pregnancy test. It also has the key added feature of being able to share the data with your partner, friend or clinician.