OvuSense uses an ovulation detection method, independently established in the clinical literature, known as the "3 over 6" rule*. This means OvuSense is looking for a sustained rise in temperature of over 0.1 degrees Celsius for each of 3 consecutive days in any window of 6 days. This sustained rise produces a specific pattern, and when OvuSense detects an ovulation date, it’s doing so on the basis of matching your current cycle pattern against the pattern of the established clinical rule. If you have not received a confirmed date of ovulation then there are insufficient data to provide evidence that ovulation has occurred by this rule. You may still see that a rise has occurred, and that could mean you have in fact ovulated but the rise was too “slow” to trigger the detection rule.
* Barrett and Marshall (1969) later supported by McCarthy and Rockette (1983).